Names of the Happy Couple
If you want to add the music that everyone is walking down to and/or the different readings, please put them below
If there is something missing or you would like to add to your ceremony, please put it down in this section.
The names will be in alphabetical order by last name unless you tell me otherwise
The names will be in alphabetical order by last name unless you tell me otherwise
The title will be as above unless you want something different (i.e. Little Princesses)
The title will be as above unless you want something different (i.e. Ring Security)
If your reception and ceremony are in different venues, you can have a section that lets your guests know where they should go next
This is my go to wording for the "Thank you section" but if you want something different put what you would like in its place.
If you want your guests to know the address of the newly married couple